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two little thugs...ligularia and coltsfoot!


By Lori

two little thugs...ligularia and coltsfoot!

in spite of their bad rep...I love them both... the lig is a large enough plant that it's easy to seize and remove if so desired...the coltsfoot only lasts a short adds some much needed colour in the very early spring.

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Love this little lig sprout. I haven't seen any sprouts on mine so far. Staying contained. So cute!

25 Apr, 2010


Of got a couple of colts foots...(erm should that be colts feet?) strange little plant isn't it.

26 Apr, 2010


Thanks Gt!! LOL...Sid. I think its the same singular or plural...coltsfoot!!!
I had the seeds given to me by a goY friend...I didn't know what it was when it came up...I had forgotten to make a map of my and when I saw it go to seed...I said to myself: Self... you may have made a mistake!... It came up everywhere this second season and although ordinarily I'd be freaking out...I observed that last season it came up and bloomed in early spring and then just disappeared among the other foliage for the rest of the re-emerged for some nice early colour this spring ... so I'm lilking my coltsfoot too!

26 Apr, 2010


The ligularia is a worry too, Gt. It has started to spread producing rhizomes and travelling faster than the speed of light... It is EVERYWHERE!~ the downside of these young lig plants is that it didn't come true from seed...I have the weedy progenitor.... not the lovely purply stemmed variety called Gregynog...anyway I still have the original...and the newbies seem to be lighter colour . (Maybe the colour comes with maturity?) so I can just do a thorough weeding...and pull out any that I don't want to keep. (BTW did my first batch of weeding's not even May yet!!!)

26 Apr, 2010


Did the coltsfoot come from a UK GoYer?

26 Apr, 2010


no... it came from NA.

27 Apr, 2010


Non Applicable? lol

27 Apr, 2010


--LOL--Hmmm.... is that a Euro Joke?

27 Apr, 2010


Oo I don't know - might be! lol 'N/A' is used as an abreviation for non-applicable when filling in a form. Of course you were using NA as an abreviation for a state - but I have no idea which one x-)

So, is it a Euro joke?!

27 Apr, 2010


I should be more careful with my I was lazy and two letters...NA...seemed faster to type than North America. btw... we are in the middle of a blizzard! snow is coming down thick and fast... poor birds ...and the flowers are under a white blanket! It's 27th of April for heaven's sake! (How quickly we forget..because some years we still have snow on the ground)

27 Apr, 2010


Crikey!! Poor you....and poor plants and wildlife!

I'm looking out across a hazy sunny town and the hills and fields beyond are all greening up and there are fields of gold where the oil seed rape is growing..... :-) Am I making you feel better or worse?!

27 Apr, 2010


Aww... you wouldn't want to make me feel worse, would you? Yesterday was a day like you describe.... it was lovely! The range of temps for the month seem to be running in reverse... we might have expected this is in the first week of April...but we had sunny skies and and some warmer than usual days...but now when May is just days away we get SNOW! ??? Silly weather.

27 Apr, 2010


Course not ;-) Hope it improves soon for you..... we need rain, it's dry as a bone out there...

27 Apr, 2010


It is now nearing 11 a.m. and it is still SNOWING.... we have about an inch of snow in places... the moisture is welcome...just hope it melts away quickly.

27 Apr, 2010


Oh no! Well keep it over there wont you - we don't want it spilling out over here too!

27 Apr, 2010


Wow. Snow!? That is what I keep telling myself as the weather heats up and the ground warms. 'Joseph, this is very early, don't fall for it!' I hope the snow melts right off and waters everything well. We are extremely dry here too.

To bad the lig isn't coming true. I have mine in a sunken pot so I can pull it up and divide easily and keep it from spreading across the bed. (should do so with my monarda). I haven't seen any self seeded.

You're coltsfoot if anything like ours, (ours carries a white umbelous flower) grows just one or two big leaves through the summer. I can see appreciating this sunny early yellow for sure. The leaf here makes a good tea for sore throats, just strain to limit the little hairs.

27 Apr, 2010


it's the next day...and the snow melted as soon as the clouds confuse us even's going to be warm by the weekend!

28 Apr, 2010


Phew, what a relief! lol

29 Apr, 2010

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