Ye olde Encomis bulb
By Dorjac

23 Apr, 2010
1 like
Don't know how old.
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buried treasure
23 Apr, 2010
Had to look this up on Google, Dorjac! A new one to me :)
25 Apr, 2010
As you can see GEE this bulb should be on Bargain Hunt. It has a shoot, so I repotted it, along with some young offsets. I like these but I now have only 2 pots of them. If you put one bulb in a 12 inch pot, it has room to have a family if you leave it be. The bulb seems to be mostly winter hardy outdoors. I have some in the garden and they burrow deep, or seem to.....I tried to dig one up and gave up.
26 Apr, 2010
A favourite of mine...Love Eucomis
2 May, 2010
Pictures by dorjac
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This photo is of species Encomis.
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31 Jan, 2008
Has a shoot on top and feels solid. Even has some encomis seeds growing in its mossy crevices. Replanted in same pot with new soil along with some offsets.
23 Apr, 2010