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ladybugs garden

ladybugs garden

what i found under the turf

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Oh dear, they do say "where theres muck theres money". Good luck with clearing that lot........

24 Apr, 2010


Such a good idea to take these early photos. That way you can track the progress. What is under the flags - are they concreted down?

25 Apr, 2010


Gees you've got your work cut out for you. Sarahs right though I wish I'd taken photos of before I started. Once the transformation is complete people won't believe what it was like!

23 May, 2010


I always do, I cannot stop ;-) (taking pictures) and it really is fascinating to see the difference. It also gives you a lot of courage. And you do forget so quickly what it looked like before, and all the jobs you've done over some time!
Good luck!

31 May, 2010

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