The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

spring 2010

spring 2010

my old rusty wheelbarrow !

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wow it look fab as well. just shows ur u can use anything , we shud have a comp. wotu think lol!!!!!!!!! ;0)

29 Apr, 2010


it looks good planted up

29 Apr, 2010


thankyou... it did look pretty when the minature daffs were flowering, i kept forgetting to take a photo....i don,t know about a competion Cristina... i think we are all winners !! LOL

29 Apr, 2010


That's a great idea - very clever

1 May, 2010


That's a great idea. What about drainage? Has the wheel barrow got any drainage holes at the base? I also have an old wheel barrow rusting away and taking up space, but not for much longer.

4 May, 2010


thankyou Rohima ...yes it has drainage, my husband drilled some holes for me, i lined the barrow with an old compost bag which i pierced some holes in then put some compost mixed with some grit in

4 May, 2010

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