Rohima's Profile

About me
My garden is a long strip with a border on either side. It gets quite water logged during the winter months. I wouldn't say i was an experianced gardener but am learning through trial and error. I loose a lot plants each year due to the wet. My husband tends to the lawn and also helps me with any heavy tasks that i am unable to do. We have a pond that my son made, to keep his koi carp in. My task is to feed them daily. I am currently in remission from cancer for the 5th time and also have hip problems so am becoming increasingly limited in what i can do but i am not one to give up.My ideal day out is visiting garden centers and admiring the plants that i either don't have the space or right soil conditions for. My husband loves the part where we have lunch or tea and cake. It's David Austin's rose gardens next week, weather permitting.
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Joined in Apr 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: West Midlands