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Hee Hee New Fountain:-)

Hee Hee New Fountain:-)

Another moment of madness, but it does look pretty and changes colour and shape...looks a bit like a firework.......second childhood?

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Obviously I wasn't the only one outdoors last night trying to take photos in the dark, Ba! Thank you, I don't feel half as daft as I did lol.
This is really pretty!!!

1 May, 2010


Naturally I bought it to amuse the grandchildren.....ahem ;-)

2 May, 2010


Well, Of Course you did Ba, I believe you......:~))x

2 May, 2010


and why not lol, o and i am allways trying to take pics in the dark 2, beats telly lol

5 May, 2010


Trouble is,Cristina, it can be a bit dodgy too lol! I almost fell into my pond trying to take Night water shots~that was going to be a close up I could live without! Tee hee heee! :~))

5 May, 2010


Oh! what an unusual it solar, or electricity powered? nice pic Ba
i do like this...must be my 2nd chilhood too LOL

9 May, 2010


Afraid it's electric Freesia, it floats and is led, so uses very little electricity. it goes purple, magenta, red, blue etc:-)

9 May, 2010


Love it.....Although now showing my other half as he would want one...boys and their toys!

29 May, 2010


Thanks him, don't be mean, wait 'til you see all the colours lol;-)

29 May, 2010

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