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so welcoming as we walk down to the dustbin :~))

so welcoming as we walk down to the dustbin :~))

Comments on this photo


Thats lovely the way its self seeded. wish mine would do that.

5 May, 2010


That's pretty. What plant is it ?

5 May, 2010



5 May, 2010


~we call them dog violets for some reason~seed into everything,and am pulling them up by the handful!

5 May, 2010


THank you.
I ask because I think I have heaps I just found in my garden LOL
Edit-- Nope not the same as mine. That's a shame

5 May, 2010


Yes violets, introduced themselves and yes they do get yanked out occasionally but they still return. I am so impressed each year when they suddenly open their petals such a lovely welcome on a cold day. thanks to you all for your input and nice comments.

6 May, 2010


These are very pretty!

2 Jun, 2010


Thank you I love self sown flowers especially the wild varieties (are these wild?) I'm not sure but I love them.

4 Jun, 2010

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