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This kitty cat adopted us!!!


By Waheeda

This kitty cat adopted us!!!

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Golly, that's a large cat ... he/she likes her food ;-)

11 May, 2010


your lucky cats are very choosy

11 May, 2010


Sadly...she belongs to our neighbours.....she's neglected.. constantly seeks affection and food of course.We have to feed her now....the owners are not concerned.

11 May, 2010


Grrrr, 'why' do people get pets and then decide they don't/won't/can't be bothered with them ?
Makes my blood boil.

11 May, 2010


I's upsetting......they have another three cats roaming around for mice and snakes etc....we have become so attatched to them, it's hard to get the authorities we just feed them!

11 May, 2010


Bless you for taking her in, Waheeda....(this is really spooky!).... she looks like the first cat I had back in the 1970's...his name was Lucky...he was all white with gray tail and ears...and one gray patch on his right hip... sweet old cat.. I could call him you would a dog...he came to his name... he'd run up to me and jump up into my arms... how I loved that old guy...he died at the age of 13 of feline leukemia.

17 May, 2010


Oh poor's good to journey back in time....i can imagine the excitement when he jumped into your arms.Because of my asthma I had to fínd new homes for our cats..a long time ago.....but this cat is outside most of the time...lazing on the it's not too bad.Sometimes, esp in the winter, I find her in the cellar!

17 May, 2010


With very few exceptions all the animals I have had have come to me out of need...and I too have allergies.. (to animal dander) I'm a firm believer in destiny...this cat is yours on your terms... really good circumstances, I think.

17 May, 2010


im an asthmatic too but i have three cats who never bother me at all,but any other cat just starts my asthma off,why have three cats if they arnt willing to look after them or is it a case of cute kitten cant be bothered when they are bigger syndrome

24 May, 2010


I really don't want to get into all that.negativity...quite frankly....their reasons for their behaviour really doesn't interest me in the least....obviously..they have other priorities??? But on a more positive note....I'm only in the interest of the cats...

24 May, 2010


Waheeda...i've been looking thro my scans of old snaps and I think I have a pic of my's so old's black and white...but you can see how close the markings are .... looking at your little friend brought tears to my eyes... like looking at my dear old friend.

27 May, 2010 good to hear from you! yes...! photographs and memories are such a great part of our lives....and it's so amazing to think how much character a cat has..isn't it? Its been raining kits, cats and dogs here....and Flöckchen (that's her name...which means little snowflake) has been camping out on the doormat, purring away...profusely! Shame. The other cats are adjusting as well, one of them sleep in the front garden shed...sneaks through a tiny gap.

27 May, 2010

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