Waheeda's Profile

About me
Hello there everyone, my name is Waheeda and I live in a wine growing area, north of the Danube in Austria.I'm married and have two children, a son of 12 and a daughter of 5.Usually the winters are mild here, but this year was somewhat surprising. Winter is generally a difficult time for my family,after several cold months, it's comforting to know that spring is on our doorstep.Everything we've planned and dreamt of during winter will have to be put into action soon....but where to start? I love being outdoors, it's such a healthy way to live and it connects us to nature.I find that I sleep and dream wonderfully during the gardening seasons.We have a terraced garden and I grow my own vegetables, I have a passion for herbs and fragrant shrubs.I'm rather a practical gardener, so I tend to stay away from ornamental plants and rather grow raspberries, blueberries,strawberries etc.I have apricot, cherry,prune, figs, goji berries,apple, grapevines, kiwi, citrus varieties,etc.I have interesting varieties of winter hard succulents, which flower magnificently.Looking forward to chatting and getting plenty of garden tips from the members, thanks all.
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Joined in Mar 2010
Country: Austria
County/State: Austria, central europe, Wine growing area