Climbing Hydrangea - in bud
By Mikec

4 May, 2008
Comments on this photo
How big will this grow please I planted one in feb of this year it is still pretty small but looks healthy
4 May, 2008
I've got a small one too pl;anted last year. Mine has 2 flower buds. I can see lots on yours. How old is it?
4 May, 2008
Climbing Hydrangeas can climb 20 to 30 feet. Mine is 4 years old. It didn't flower the first couple years which is not unusual. I had about a dozen flowers the third year and they were just about the size of a dinner plate. For those of you who don't know, the flowers are flat and lacy and white. I will post a photo of the flowers from last year.
4 May, 2008
I also posted a picture of the flowers from last year. If you would like to do a google search, type in " hydrangea anamala petrolaris " This one originates from Japan and Taiwan. There is also a veriegated leaf one originating form China that is very hard to find. By the way, this hydrangea prefers shade. Mine gets a little morning sun and it seems to be very happy.
4 May, 2008
I've got one, too. I have not got round to cutting off last year's dead heads, it's quite a job, isn't it Mike! Oh dear, add it to the list.
4 May, 2008
Spritz... I find that the dead heads from the previous year just brush off easily. For me they just seem to pull off easily. There are usually a lot of them on the ground already in the spring that just fell off.
4 May, 2008
I tried pulling tham off and that left stalks behind! So I cut them off with my secateurs now. You are right that some drop off.
5 May, 2008
How long have you had yours Spritz ? is it quite tall ?
5 May, 2008
I love these, their foliage is so bright and full of vigour in Spring and the flowers so lacy in contrast. The flowers are just breaking on mine. It is growing on the lobby wall which faces North-east, an aspect which many flowering climbers would dislike but the climbing hydrangea loves it.
I wasn't aware that there is a variegated form, would love to see one.
1 Jun, 2008
I wasn't aware that there is a veriegated form either. Guess I have another plant to add to my want list :)
1 Jun, 2008
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Beautiful! I've never heard of a climbing hydrangea!
4 May, 2008