Geranium sanguineum 'Max Frei'

17 May, 2010
Oh dear, now I'm not so sure this is Max Frei ... could be cinereum Ballerina ! Anybody care to confirm please ?
Comments on this photo
I think its Geranium
17 May, 2010
lol! Yes, not me Shirley, I am having trouble identifying my own!!
17 May, 2010
I'll just have to wait until the others bloom for a comparison !
17 May, 2010
Think its Max.....Ballerina has distinctive "stripes" on its blooms....
17 May, 2010
Thanks Alice, I'll keep an eye out for Ballerina next ! : o )
17 May, 2010
Pictures by shirley_tulip
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I've had 6 Geranium plants here since 2002, lost my gardening journal and now unsure which this is. There will be more questions like this as the others come in to flower - sorry !
17 May, 2010