By Cristina

19 May, 2010
the old pump used to b in the kitchen
Comments on this photo
thankyou aster
19 May, 2010
I love the old pump :o)
19 May, 2010
ta howel. we allso have the old slop stones in the garden. found them wen we found the well
19 May, 2010
Looks great. Good you moved it out to the pond.
20 May, 2010
Love Your Pond :)
20 May, 2010
This is lovely Cristina....Where did you find this lovely old pump? We were
looking for 1 just like this for our pond, it really looks as if it were made
for your pond...what a lovely feature!! Rosie is going to fall in, if she gets
any closer, i do believe, she has her eye on a fish..LOL
20 May, 2010
your garden just gets nicer n nicer cristina. great photos
20 May, 2010
thanxs havoon x and fressia ,the pump is out of the house wen it was the old workers cottage. it was in the scullary which is now our kitchen. over the low pond and steam are the old slop stones as well. and the well is in the kitchen garden . there r pics u will have to hunt 4 them lol.we found them wen we were getting rid of rubbish in the kitchen garden wen we moved in 12 years ago. found a hole andthere was the well so dug it up. mike built the wall from bricks from the old loo .they were 2 holes in a bench wth buket underneath. had to knok that down as unsafe. so recycle wen we can . there were allso meat hooks in the ceiling .
21 May, 2010
Love your pond it looks so peaceful in your garden.
21 May, 2010
arh thsnks grandmadge
21 May, 2010
This is the same pump that I have as a feature, it was from hubbies Moms old home out of the brewhouse, very sort after I think Cristina.
22 May, 2010
think u right lol, best keep an eye on it haha
22 May, 2010
10 Jun, 2010
thanks silver
10 Jun, 2010
glad iv seen this cristina, it looks great with old pump, i dont want to loose my waterfall so we are trying to get it to flow down the fall , hope it works haha
1 Aug, 2010
our waterfall is seperate but there is a fountaine in the pond as well ,yes there are 2 ponds conected by a stream ,but 2 pumps to circulate the water to make it look likr the water fall is part of the big pond if you understand, lol the pump used to b in the cottage so nice to use it.i think that is a gud idea i am sure it will work gud luk wth it .
1 Aug, 2010
thanx cristina, no room for another pump so cant make it seperate, will let you know if it works, when its done ;o)
1 Aug, 2010
hope it does it will look pretty
1 Aug, 2010
found it Cristina- your pump looks great -it sounds like a similar one to Sandras ;-)
1 Aug, 2010
iv put a pic on now cristina not as old as yours though but i like it all the same
1 Aug, 2010
found it looks great san .richard this used to b in the cottage and was attaced to the well via a long pipe over a slop stone which is in the garde over the sream lol. omg that was a mouth full haha.
1 Aug, 2010
Oh yes Cristina ...lol. Can't find your pump pic Sandra where can I find it? ;-)
1 Aug, 2010
its on her 1st pic ricard in a barell
1 Aug, 2010
Thanks Cristina I'll take a look ;-)
1 Aug, 2010
cheers cristina ;o)
2 Aug, 2010
Thanks Cristina I found it ;-)
2 Aug, 2010
That's really lovely Cristina...what beautiful planting in the background too!
11 Mar, 2012
hi karen ........... thanks x
12 Mar, 2012
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Beautiful Christina :)
19 May, 2010