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Last of the Peonies and Bluebells, and some potted Lily's


By Goldie1

Last of the Peonies and Bluebells, and some potted Lily's

The Peonies are coming to an end so have taken a pic of them before they lose all their flowers, also had a lovely show of Bluebells this year don't know where they had come from for I sure didn't plant them, these are the last scrawny few clinging on. at the left of the pic you can just see a weed that is the bane of my life they get everywhere even into walls etc...they have a pink flower and thick stem with large-ish leaves. The lilies I have a few clumps of in my garden they are very prolific and need constant thinning out, one of the Bulbs ? I thinned out last year I put into a pot.its now coming on a treat.

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