The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Athenaeum Hotel, Piccadilly, London - April 2010


By Robertr

Athenaeum Hotel, Piccadilly, London - April 2010

Can spot the Euphorbia and Heuchera - but the plants include:
Adiantum capillus-veneris (From warm temperate and tropical climates)
Begonia grandis PB (Green – from China and Japan)
Begonia grandis PB (Dark red – from China and Japan)
Begonia pedatifida PB (China)
Billbergia nutans (South Brazil)
Corydalis cheilanthifolia (China)
Cyrtomium macrophyllum (Japan)
Fascicularia bicolour (Chile)
Ficus erecta var. sieboldii (South Korea)
Fuchsia hatschbachii (South Brazil)
Fuchsia regia (South Brazil)
Hemiboea cf. strigosa PB (China)
Impatiens arguta (Himalayas and East Africa)
Impatiens mengtzeana (Himalayas and East Africa)
Impatiens sp 1 (yellow) (Himalayas and East Africa)
Impatiens sp 2 (pink) (Himalayas and East Africa)
Iris japonica (Japan and China)
Lonicera pileata (China)
Rubus ichangensis
Stachyurus salicifolius (China)

Boehmeria platyphylla (India)
Boehmeria tricuspis (Japan)
Debregeasia longifolia (India)
Elatostema radicans var. minimum (Japan)
Elatostema scabrum (Japan)
Elatostema umbellatum var. majus (Japan)
Elatostema umbellatum `Dents de Kyoto’ (Japan)
Pilea matsudai (Taïwan)
Pilea peperomioides (China)
Pilea petiolaris (Japan)
Pilea scripta (India)
Pilea umbrosa (India)
Pilea plataniflora (Sikkim)

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