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24,5,10 update on my heritage potato varieties

24,5,10 update on my heritage potato varieties

My heritage potatoes will have to go outside now that the danger of frost is past. This is a bit of an experiment and I am not sure how well these will grow in grow bags but we will see.

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This is interesting. Good Luck with these. :-)

25 May, 2010


I have just been visiting my daughter. Last time we were down I got my newly 4year old granddaughter to set 4 potatoes to chit in an egg box. Of course they were waiting to be planted. I bought 4 x 100L bags of general purpose compost because their garden is a nightmare to dig. It is clay which cracks on the surface when the weather improves. We can use the contents of the bag and some other compost to improve the soil for next year. She planted 2 potatoes in each of 2 of the bags. Her peas which we potted on last visit were growing far too well and already had flowers on so they went in to another bag then the runner beans she planted as seed were nice sturdy plants and went in the last bag. She is too keen as she wanted to grow carrots and lettuce and tomatoes as well. Her mum had a shallow tub not doing anything so a small grow bag was emptied in to that and she planted small round carrot seed we got in the garden centre. We got a tumbling tom tomato plant and it was put in the bag with the beans and the lettuce are in an ornamental tower which is never used properly. My camera batteries were running out so I did not get good photos of our busy days. It is all about experimenting.

25 May, 2010


You seem to be doing just what I am doing with our grandson, he loves being in the garden and we have just planted strawberries, three, and two courgette plants, he is only 2.5. but loves digging and watering like most little one do. They have to start somewhere dont they? and I always think it is down to us Grans and gramps too !!

26 May, 2010


I do agree Grandmage. It's a real treat to be able to do things with them.

26 May, 2010


My husband helped me move them outside today 30.5.10 and they were desperately needing a drink so I hope they are alright. Some of them are flowering already.

29 May, 2010

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