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Clematis montana 'Broughton Star'

Clematis montana 'Broughton Star' (Clematis montana (Clematis))

I love this Clematis - it always blooms slightly later than the other montanas.

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lovely colour..

26 May, 2010


Yes, it's a bit different, isn't it...

26 May, 2010


Beautiful, is it as vigorous as the singles? They've been absolutely fantastic in our neighbourhood, still looking great too. Is it a particularly good year for montana do you think? :-)

27 May, 2010


Yes, it has, Ba. They've all done well this year! No, 'Broughton Star' has been in 4 years now, and it doesn't seem to be as fast-growing as the other C. montanas. I don't mind at all. :-))

27 May, 2010


my C. montana Elizabeth is only just coming into flower now.
this is a nice one.

29 May, 2010


I planted this threeyears ago - there was a white one before - a HUGE one, right up into the damson tree, and it suddenly idea why...I didn't think that montanas suffered from wilt?

29 May, 2010


Perhaps 'the animals' had something to do with it??

30 May, 2010


No - it was planted in a corner well away from where 'they' come and go. and it had a 'trunk' rather than stems! ....strangely, a seedling from it is draped over the stream wall - you can only see it from one side, but it looks great! I do get a lot of montana seedlings.

30 May, 2010


Hi, is this C montana "Freda" as I have been looking all over for it having once seen it in a garden centre ages ago?

21 Aug, 2010


oops just seen what it is called!! excuse newbie on site!!

21 Aug, 2010


No probs, Rose. This is a beauty - if you can find it, I'd recommend it highly. :-))

22 Aug, 2010


Agree with you Spritzhenry, I've got this one and its a beauty. It is mingled in with my other montana rubens and is a darker pink . I have just passed one over to my neighbour which rooted itself and am now having a go at pegging some down.

24 Aug, 2010


Great to find someone else who grows it. Good luck with layering yours. :-)

24 Aug, 2010


Thanks Spritz , I'll let you know if I'm successful......Hope so !!

24 Aug, 2010



24 Aug, 2010

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This photo is of "Clematis montana 'Broughton Star'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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