Garden before

28 May, 2010
This is my Garden on moving in
some time ago..please note we
have fields at the back, where all
wildlife can enter..
Comments on this photo
Yes, there is a difference, but you cannot see the real difference in the after
pic, as it was taken early Spring, it looks a lot different in Summer...
The Garden changes, as each Season comes & Goes, this is the Beauty
of Gardening.....don`t you agree Yorkshire?
30 May, 2010
Yes I do agree with you Freesia.
31 May, 2010
Gosh! What a difference. You have worked hard. Your garden looks beautiful and looking through your photos you have some really special plants. It's lovely.
13 Jun, 2010
Thank you for your nice comments Elless....we did the hard work bit, by bit
it was not so. Laborious that way, you reap, your rewards in the end
: ~ )))
14 Jun, 2010
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what a big difference to now
28 May, 2010