Young Kimmy & Carly playing

12 May, 2010
This is the last photo of kimmy & Carly who both have since
passed away, still in our hearts..
Comments on this photo
Thanks Bb....: ~)))
12 May, 2010
these wonderful creatures can never be forgotten:)
13 May, 2010
Treasured memories, life is never quite the same when they have gone.;0(
13 May, 2010
No you never forget them, there memories stay with you always Arun...
You are right Pp its never the same when they leave you....
13 May, 2010
i certainly agree Freesiaperson
14 May, 2010
: ~)))
14 May, 2010
Two lovely friends that will never be forgotten. They were well loved and so happy, you only have to look at the picture to know that!!!!!!!!!!
15 May, 2010
Thank you Shinobi...i appreciate your comment, so nice..:~)))
15 May, 2010
Aaaw! They take a piece of your heart with them when they go don't they?
13 Jun, 2010
They certainly do, Elless....they sure are heartbreakers, they tore mine apart
when i lost them....: ~ (((
14 Jun, 2010
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A picture of true companionship.......
12 May, 2010