The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

The Old Rectory Boreham Essex (NGS Yellow Book)


By Hijuju

The Old Rectory Boreham Essex (NGS Yellow Book)

Does anyone know what this plant is?, It looked as if it was part of the Iris family.But the flowers were rather small

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It is a perennial lysimachia...

30 May, 2010


Errr....sorry, Alice!!! It's Sisyrinchium striatum......:-)))

16 Jun, 2010 it is!!!...ta for that....Spritz to the rescue..:)...didn't look at it closely enough....I have on in my garden! (blush()!!!!

17 Jun, 2010


You are a 'maiden in distress' this week, aren't you! LOL.........don't let it worry you - I had to ask for the name of a plant yesterday, and found that I'd asked last year, too! LOL. I hope I remember it next year.....or I'll have to hide my head in shame!

17 Jun, 2010


Its all this heat Spritz....glad you "young 'uns" have the same!!!....I've made a note in my diary for next year.....just in case I notice you have "lost it" xxxx

17 Jun, 2010


NEPETA George, she's got it! ;-D)

19 Jun, 2010

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