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my water barrel pond


By Suey187

my water barrel pond

i have had this for a couple of years now.getting a bit mucky so needs a clean up.there are loads of beige coloured creatures,similar to shrimpy woodlice.they walk around the barrel under the water,they never come out of the water,any ideas what they might be.

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It looks great your other lion with match this one great match. Sorry I have no idea what the shrimp woodlice might be.

1 Jun, 2010


There are water lice which have no skin pigmentation,you can see the heart etc eeuuww ! They could well be laying eggs now too :)

1 Jun, 2010


oh no! i feel sick,thanks for the info.

1 Jun, 2010


They may be gnat larvae Suey they are weird too, nice barrel by the way not so sure about the sad looking chap sitting next to it though :o)

1 Jun, 2010


I do like your gargoyle. He's very handsome....

6 Jun, 2010


i named him Keats after my sons friend,Silverbelle.

6 Jun, 2010


LOL love it really!!

6 Jun, 2010


We have a gargoyle on the wall above the front door, and one in the flowerbed at the front, but we haven't named them as yet. I'll take some pictures of them when the weather improves. I think they'll like to know there are others like them around ......... LOL

8 Jun, 2010


would love to see your photos of them,Silverbelle.i will let Keats and Hank know that they are not alone,they could be distant relatives you

9 Jun, 2010


Maybe Keats and Hank will know what the names of mine are and let me know, because mine are staying quite tight lipped!! lol

10 Jun, 2010


Hank and Keats need to see there photies to see if they recognize them.they are going to check there family tree, :0)

10 Jun, 2010


lol .....

10 Jun, 2010


Can`t say what they are Suey, but to be honest I would`nt come out either if I had him watching me.

14 Jun, 2010


lol,hes very friendly when you get to know him.

14 Jun, 2010

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