Neellan's Profile

About me
I live in North Wales the garden is on three levels with lovely views to the Berwyn mountains there are wooded mountains to the front and rear
In my garden there is a small spinney with bluebells and wild flowers at the top of the garden. Rhododendrons and silver birches flank the arch and seat overlooking the view.
The lower garden has roses clematis japanese anenome numerous shrubs and trees, geraniums, peonies, lupins, alliums, foxglove etc as you probably gather it is a cottage type garden it's 3/4 of an acre in total and keeps me on my toes or should that be knees!
My three grown up married children all have gardens of their own my two sons prefer low maintenance gardens but my daughter is also a keen gardener I must have passed on the flower gene down the female line!!
I have seven beautiful grandchildren 2 girls and 5 boys the older two are 23 and 19, the youngest five are aged 10, 8, 4,2 and 1.
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Joined in Jun 2009
Country: Wales
County: denbighshire