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Ficus benjamina - Weeping Fig Grove in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA

Ficus benjamina - Weeping Fig Grove in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA (Ficus benjamina - Weeping Fig)

Weeping figs tree in Balboa Park taken on June 3, 2010. In most of the U.S. these trees are grown as a popular indoor tree.

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That one carries a particularly nice shape.

6 Jun, 2010



Yes, they are beautiful wide trees with a huge circumference. It can spread to around 100 feet/ 32 meters wide in time.
In the true wet tropics they can cover acres with its large aerial roots.

6 Jun, 2010


You must hacve very big houses to have one of these indoors then ..LOL ...

6 Jun, 2010



Ficus benjamina - Weeping fig is probably the most commonly grown houseplant in the U.S. It will usually only grow to 4 - 8 feet tall (sometimes taller) as a houseplant though.

6 Jun, 2010

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