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me veggies

me veggies

got new pototoes, carrots, cauliflour, strawberries, onions and beetroot in these beds. Not doing very well with the onions though! i think i planted them too deep and they dont seem to be getting a bulb on the end - any ideas? i was thinking of just pulling them up and planting my tomatoes in there instead, but as i have never grown onions before i am not sure if i am just being inpatient?

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On the Onion front you are perhaps being a little impatient, you would not normally harvest until July/August that's another 12 weeks of potential growth.

9 May, 2008


now that would make sence, so they might grow ok after all... ;o)
i planted them back in august last year as little bulbs and being new to growing them i didnt realise they would take so long... i am sure it will be worth the wait.

9 May, 2008

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