By Lori
- 14 Jun, 2010
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I admit that I have changed my mind on this plant... I bought seeds...expecting to have lovely rounded mounds of little daisy flowers...and it wasn't like that at all! It seemed to want to take over the whole garden..and that was off putting...but, I decided to allow it to choose it's place...and anywhere it chose that I didn't want it..I'd just pull it out!! LOL>... We've come to a truce, I think.
15 Jun, 2010
Thats the good thing Lori can easily pull out the unwanted ones and if it causes a headache in your garden its supposed to be a good herbal remedy ..
15 Jun, 2010
Yes... must consult the old herbal. Do you have Tansy as well? (Tanacet?) It grows so tall and wants to be everywhere ...I manage to keep it to the back of the bed or along the fence.
16 Jun, 2010
No we dont have Tansy Lori..the feverfew keeps us on our toes !
16 Jun, 2010
the other herb that is a real force in the garden is Melissa... the darn lemon balm is everywhere...sure it smells lovely and it's great in tea but it will crowd and enshroud anything that grows near it! The terrible three... tansy, feverfew and lemonbalm!!!
16 Jun, 2010
We also have hedge woundwort which probably a weed when crushed smells like cat pee but the bees love it so guess it stays ..
17 Jun, 2010
What's not to like? looks like a fantastic plant to me. certain evergreens have that same smelly property.. beginning to understand the appeal of plants well suited/evolved to their environs... fewer pests too. I have stachys byzantium...woolly lamb's ears... and it is so tenacious...I have a friend who hates it and has tried to eradicate it for the last five years with no success! I have a type of lobelia that is native to NA...it's a wild flower in the central part of the continent...it has the clearest blue colour I've ever seen and it grows and spreads very readily... I love it as well...and like the tansy, aegopodium, feverfew, etc. if it's growing in a place I don't want it...I pull it out...or transplant it. easy and beautiful...can't beat that combination!
18 Jun, 2010
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We have clumps of this self seeded all over the garden....quite like it !
15 Jun, 2010