By Oliveoil
- 18 Jun, 2010
Border from backdoor
Comments on this photo
Just taken out a not so old Elizabeth Clematis, it had something seriously wrong with it, so am thinking of putting a rose (climber or rambler) up where the clematis came out, just to give me some more colour
18 Jun, 2010
I agree with Janey! Fantastic.
19 Jun, 2010
Hi Lori - glad you like the pictures
20 Jun, 2010
Last summer I finally found R. New Dawn, I kept it potted til almost fall, thinking we might be moving, but finally put it in the ground... It survived that strange winter we had, and is starting to bloom...lovely 8 blossom clusters, large roses about the same size as hybrid teas, in a lovely soft pink. Friend from the US told me that they had just moved a ND that had only been in the ground a couple of seasons and the canes where 1 inch in diameter...they were afraid they might lose it...but no...it's come back very well and is blooming in it's new spot...so might I suggest a R. New Dawn climber... you'll love it.
20 Jun, 2010
Thank you very much for that Lori I will see if I can find it anywhere, nice part of the world you live in. Are your winters very cold? probably a silly question that, but I moan about ours and we have had one bad winter in about 20 years. LOL silly I know, but I hate the very cold and hate the very hot, much prefer springtime when it is just warm. We are never happy are we? Thanks again.
20 Jun, 2010
You're very welcome, Oliveoil.... yes, where I live the climate ranges from minus 30-40 C. to plus 30-40 C. Our summers can be very humid and our winters extremely frigid.. I'm in complete agreement about not enjoying the extremes. Wish I could find the perfect place... Don't mind winters down to about freezing for a short time. That cold period is needed by many things I grow...but would love some earlier springs and cooler summers! How fortunate you are that you can say you only had one bad winter in 20 years!!
21 Jun, 2010
Yes Lori, we do take it for granted a bit. Comes as a major shock to the system though. The only saving grace when it has been cold through the winter is that we usually get a lovely summer, not sure that is just right at the moment, we have had some cloudy cold damp days up the the present. Hoping that it starts to get a bit warmer and more settled as the summer comes on, it is the 21st today supposedly the start of summer and of course the longest daylight hours. Fingers crossed eh!!
21 Jun, 2010
Yes...I think after the winter we've suffered through we deserve a lovely temperate summer!!
22 Jun, 2010
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This is lovely Oliveoil....a smashing photo!
18 Jun, 2010