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greenhouse and raised beds got to make it more pretty next year any ideas please

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A trellis panel in front of the fleece-covered bed would disuguise that, if it wouldn't b;lock out too much sun. You could grow peas or something up it. Low willow edging (you can get these in some £1 stores) might be enough to hide the brick edging round the raised beds. Grow runner, French or climbing beabs up the arch. strawberries do well in hanging baskets, and could be hanging from the cross spars on the arch. If there are spaces among the paving of the path, plant low, spreading herbs like thyme to make it more interesting, and to attract beneficial insects.

27 Jun, 2010


Thank you so much what great ideas will give that a go, thank you again

28 Jun, 2010


You're most welcome, and you'll, hopefully, get more, and better ideas on here! Love your patch! ;-)

2 Jul, 2010


Thank you so much again

2 Jul, 2010

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