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Rheum rhabarbarum 'Pink Champagne'


By Mrv

Rheum rhabarbarum 'Pink Champagne' (Rheum rhabarbarum (Rhubarb))

The abosolute most reliable plant in our garden. This Rhubarb has been around for nearly 50 years ... Mrs V's Gran to Mother moved again a couple of times, a piece went to France then a piece came back to us about 8 years ago.

Currently the Rhubarb is about 7 feet across, I've just taken 10 lb off of it, and 5 lb a month ago (which was when we had the last of 2009 from the freezer.

I have to say to you - I MAKE THE BEST RHUBARB CRUMBLE IN THE WORLD ... and I'll take a taste test with anyone!

Last year I stopped counting after 30 lb - and that was leaving enough foliage to die back.

I love this rhubarb and it loves us, the heavy clay rubble soil and sitting next to the open summer compost heap.

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Amazing, what a great plant. With all these stalks, no wonder you have perfected the best crumble, lol!

27 Jun, 2010


Ha ha, thank you. She's coming up late winter and being divided ... a piece will be going back to Mrs V's folks for their new place in Wales.

27 Jun, 2010


This could become the biggest Rheum rhubarbarum in the world, forget the aspidestra!!! Have tried ehubarb, which I love, on each and every member of my immediate, and extende, families - but am the only one who loves, or even remotely likes, it - so not worth me growing! :-(((((

27 Jun, 2010


Looking at her - she's enourmous ... but, I think that the crown has already split into 3 distinct parts ... so I don't think it'll qualify. Shame that!

Luckily we all like rhubarb, even the kids, even the neighbours!

Maybe you should endulge yourself :)

27 Jun, 2010


very impressive, I hope mine grows to that size!

11 Aug, 2010


Thank you Donnah - I hope yours does too :)

I don't think the dry spell did it much good this year. We've probably only had 15 pound from it this year ... we've left about half the foliage to die back.

17 Aug, 2010

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This photo is of "Rhubarb - Pink Champagne" in Mrv's garden

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