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No idea where this one has come from, it is very pretty though

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'Scuse my ignorance, what is it - it's got lovely markings :-)

7 Jul, 2010


its lovely xx

7 Jul, 2010


think it could be gladiolus or something similar, not sure, can't even remember planting it Fairies have been at it again lol.

7 Jul, 2010


Ah, could be a Gladioli ..... naughty fairies ;-)

7 Jul, 2010


That's very pretty, the fairies are kind to you :-))

7 Jul, 2010


Very kind fairies indeed, people pass on things so this could have been in a planter, I tip out the compost onto the borders to help with the drainage, we are heavy clay in places in this garden but in places it is strange very sandy, but I think I know the answer, the previous gentleman had the field (as it was then) levelled so that he could potter around with his golf ball and he had like a pitch and putt field, the only trouble with it is when I dig out borders I find all sorts of pieces of pots and stones and broken bricks and broken glass, which he used to fill in the field to flatten it. Hard work as I found out when digging the last border out. He couldn't be blamed for the tree roots though!

7 Jul, 2010


I remember digging the borders out here when I first moved.The house was built on the side of a hill and the bottom garden was part of a field all solid clay and lots of rocks. They found the remains of a Roman settlement when they built the estate so I'm always on the look out for any buried treasure.

7 Jul, 2010


That is amazing isn't it nothing that exciting here. Hope you dig up some treasure Annella, it would be nice to be a millionairess overnight - think of the plants we could buy!! lol.

7 Jul, 2010


What a lovely thought! I would finish work and spend every day in the garden.
The new pub on the estate was built on the old roman look out point for the Nene Valley, so the soldiers would have marched through the field behind my garden. If I had more time it would be fun to try a metal detector out there.

7 Jul, 2010


We would still be digging then wouldn't we, think that would drive me nuts, too slow a pace, lol. not enough flowers planted, but then again if we dug a hole and dropped in a bulb or two we would have flowers everywhere. My oh's grandfather, (who lived on a farm) used to go rabbiting on their farm and everytime they had to dig out from the hedge side they dropped in daffodil bulbs, the fieldsides are flowering in February and March and very pretty to see. Daffs everywhere along the fields and hedgerows.

7 Jul, 2010


What a lovely story Mum! He must have been a jolly soul!

7 Jul, 2010


Yes I bet he was, Paul always talks of him, pity they had to let the farm go when his mum died, we have friends who live in the farm next door to where he was born, Paul talks of when his mum wanted to by this farm and grandad persuaded her not to. What a shame.

7 Jul, 2010



7 Jul, 2010


Yes, that is a real shame Mum isn't it. How different your life would have been....well maybe not so very different really, just bigger machines!! :))

7 Jul, 2010


Much bigger machines.

7 Jul, 2010


Thanks Michaella

7 Jul, 2010

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