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A garden flower photo

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Crissue is that a better angle for you to see the pot cat and chiminea

7 Jul, 2010 inviting....

7 Jul, 2010


Top of chimnea does look like a chess piece!

7 Jul, 2010


yes it certainly does especially from the top of the border where Crissue was looking from

7 Jul, 2010


Love your garden, love this type of planting it looks so inviting.

7 Jul, 2010


Thanks Stroller glad you like it, think it's called haphazard planting, I like it very much too. Love mixing colours - somehow it all seems to work out fine, nature is wonderful, I was saying the other day I didn't like white too much in the garden but at the moment there is a lot of mallow which is white with a hint of pink in it and it really bright and lovely, again it spreads like crazy but I don't know where it came from, I have planted pink ones but the white just appeared. Fairies again think the bird fairy this time.

7 Jul, 2010


so lovely...

7 Jul, 2010


Thanks Elsiemay : >)

8 Jul, 2010


Yeah yeah....nature is wonderful....except when it's a fox!! :))

8 Jul, 2010


that is true Karen

8 Jul, 2010


:( grrrrrrrrr In a fight between a fox and a Jack Russell, who would win? Ask Paul!!

8 Jul, 2010


Will do but knowing Molly think she might just head it off.

9 Jul, 2010


You can have her!!!......she'd be very 'useful' !! :)))

9 Jul, 2010


I take it she is tearing up the garden for you, you should have had a lazy labrador. Is it raining still?

9 Jul, 2010


Nope, no tearing up my garden is tolerated! She is right under my thumb in that department! No, really, she's a very good Jack Russel's just, she's a Jack Russell Terrier! ;)) Rained a bit yesterday, enough to give the plants a drink. Lovely sunny evening though. Today......rain. Tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday...forecast....rain! The great North South weather divide in action!

10 Jul, 2010


Hopefully rain MONDAY - yipee!!

10 Jul, 2010


Thanks Olive....I'm blaming my Hubby for the Chimney mistake ha ha, from a distance it sure does look like a pawn.....
Love the Pot Cat....
Funny that....I love white in my garden, it always looks so fresh and clean, until it rains....: (
Still totally in love with your garden....x

10 Jul, 2010


Pleased you like it, think I am coming round a bit to liking the white influences now, seems to be quite a lot in there a the moment. Hope you find your chess piece soon - Barbara

10 Jul, 2010


love the cat and chimnea barbara

19 Jul, 2010


Yes - they were a spoil me moment at the garden centre, have used the chiminea though to bake spuds on, takes a while to get going but is fine once it does

20 Jul, 2010


we all like spoil me days barbara and work hard enough so deserve them ;o))

20 Jul, 2010


certainly do

20 Jul, 2010

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