Crissue's Profile

About me
I've been a Goyer since 2010.....My Husband and I had our own small Landscaping business, on the Isle of Wight, but are now residing in the Vienne area of France, where we've lived since 2002...Where we are - is very rural, and we are surrounded by fantastic views, and Farmed/Arable land. I have recently been able return to my passion of gardening, coping with a long term disability meant we had to re organise the Garden Area, especially within this last season to accomodate my needs...We now have half the garden area dedicated to Fruit/Veg growing, to make us more self area currently being extended for our Chickens, which we intend increase by four more young Hens soon. A smaller growing area, containing a Fish Pond installed last year, and a larger Patio, for our relaxation ~ dining outside, and several potted plants...
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Joined in May 2010
Country: France