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Ganzia/Gazania orange

Ganzia/Gazania orange

Bought a plant for £1.99 then went to another nursery on the way home where they had a tray for a quid.

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haha - some plants got their names changed, sometimes it is hard to keep track - let's change it to ganzia:) or maybe it is the cultivar name? beautiful colour. worth the money:)

8 Jul, 2010


Lovely photo Stevie ~ and such a beautiful colour !!!

8 Jul, 2010


Wow lovely colour stevie, what a bargain, great photo too,,

9 Jul, 2010


Not a bad colour for less than 20p

9 Jul, 2010


COR !! That was a brilliant Bargain Steve :o)

9 Jul, 2010


well certainly cant lose with something costing less than 20p. think its earned it already

12 Jul, 2010

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This photo is of "Flowers Bulbs n Macro photos 2010" in Stevietheterrible's garden

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