Stevietheterrible's Profile

About me
Hi Stevie here,
I am almost but not quite the ultimate personification in minimal effort gardening. I ride a grey Royal Enfield and can often be seen at the side of the road with it ; )
Welcome to my gigantic 2012 garden, which measures a staggering 30metres (by 1m).
Ok well I havent got a proper garden but I do have containers spread along my front wall. Its S/SW facing, lots of pots and I have use of a veg patch over the road.
I am mainly interested in aesthetics of gardening as well as anything heavily discounted ; ) and my big faves are my Acers and Passion flowers and any decent climbers. I am currently trying to go vertically up with my garden hence my overloaded trellises.
peace and love
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Joined in Mar 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Somewhere in Rural Monmouthshire