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Adenium obesum - Desert Rose

Adenium obesum - Desert Rose (Adenium obesum - Desert Rose)

My Desert Rose is blooming. This is probably least amount of flowers it's ever had in July. Usually, it has so many flowers you can't see the stems or leaves...however, it does bloom over a long period. Photo taken July 9. 2010.

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that is lovely

9 Jul, 2010



Thanks! My Desert Rose looks terrible in this photo. It should have so many flowers that the stems and leaves are barely visible. Check out the photo I posted last year...I reposted it again today.

10 Jul, 2010


Hope it gets some more .Looking at the next pic it's a lovely flower ...I'm sure it'll warm up there soon ...:o)))

10 Jul, 2010


It just doesn't like the cold!

10 Jul, 2010



Yes, this plant loves extreme heat and sun...and we've been so unbelievably cool this spring and early summer. However, the monsoonal flow is starting and it should start getting hot again.

10 Jul, 2010

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