Aphid Devastation
By Wendikins

10 Jul, 2010
Naturtiums have been beaten by the aphids. Both pots have gone in the recycling last night and I hav esprayed other pots this morning. There were still lots of buds to come out too so rather annoying. Ants were all over them but there were too many to cope with. I have never had a problem before, anyone else know if this is just a bad year for them ( well, good for them, bad for plants !!!) ?
Comments on this photo
If nothing else, your pic shows how well these perform when planted next to veggy crops, as they are a well-known distract for pests. They seem to have gone for yours "big time", though. :-((
10 Jul, 2010
Sadly your lovely flowers have been attacked but it's not surprising. They are used as companion plants specifically for attracting aphids/blackfly off crops!! They are invaluable for this. Blackfly especially just love them, and ants love blackfly because of the honeydew they produce. Cabbage white butterflies like nasturtiums too. I watched a cabbage white laying eggs on them today. Last year my french beans didn't have any aphids - they were all on the nasturtiums. However I grew absolutely masses of them and watered and fed them very well so most of them managed to survive even though they were infested. Better luck next time if you decide to risk it again next year.
11 Jul, 2010
Thanks all.
I did read that you need to keep them really well watered in order to discourage aphids but it said feeding only made things worse, don't know if it makes them more tasty !! I have at least had them looking well for a few weeks.
I have saved some seed but whether it is worth another go. I did have a few nasturtiums last year but they didn't do as well as these did... until the dreaded aphids.
You've made me wonder if any aphids loitering around might be looking for a new victim. They seem to prefer non fuzzy stems and leaves as they have left the adjacent geraniums alone. There were lots of ants on the plants too. I saw one carrying a victim away in it's jaws but to many for them to cope with.
12 Jul, 2010
only ever grown them once and they ended up like yours, had to pull the lot out, never risked trying them again
10 Jul, 2010