By Richardpeeej

11 Jul, 2010
Comments on this photo
OOOOH that's bad news Sandra sorry to hear that. Not sure if I can save any seeds from mine, as not sure how to do it yet (they were from a friend in the Netherlands). If I can save some later in the year I'll let you know and can send you some if you want some ;-)
11 Jul, 2010
thanx richard, im hoping some have self seeded, they normally do, will let you know ok ;o)
11 Jul, 2010
You're welcome, I see that you are not watching the football either then Sandra ;-)
11 Jul, 2010
yes we are actually richard, well on and off, just had a walk to shop its like a ghost town lol, glad spain winning
11 Jul, 2010
We have it on too my son is making a load of noise Sandra
11 Jul, 2010
first time they have won , did he want spain to win
11 Jul, 2010
He was hoping for penalty shoot outs-he didn't mind who won really Sandra ;-)
11 Jul, 2010
i thought it would be penaltys to, made up for them not winning before, ;o)
11 Jul, 2010
Spain will be celebrating again they also won the Wimbledon with Raphael Nadal ;-)
11 Jul, 2010
and spanish team won europian cup to, bet they are thrilled this year for sport triumph ;o)
11 Jul, 2010
There will be plenty of the sangria flowing tonight and headaches tomorrow I expect Sandra ;-)
11 Jul, 2010
lol i bet richard,, im off now so nite richard, have a good day tomoz ;o)
11 Jul, 2010
You too! goodnight Sandra-I think we will have some rain overnight ;-)
11 Jul, 2010
hope you got some rain richard, none here and took ages to water garden with can ;o(
12 Jul, 2010
we had a small shower of rain today Sandra but we can still use the hosepipes at the moment ;-)
12 Jul, 2010
thats good richard, we have rain just started here so hope it soaks through ;o)
13 Jul, 2010
We have had rain for most of the afternoon today too Sandra. It should start to fill up the reservoirs a bit now ;-)
13 Jul, 2010
should do richard, its been so windy here today, alot of my taller plants have been battered and look wilted so ive staked them and hope for the best, its the heavy rain and wind, makes you feel you shouldnt bother when it does that ;o(
15 Jul, 2010
Some of my chilli plants blew over today Sandra in the wind but they are OK. I went in the garden today and collected some peas (grown from Leo's dried peas in a box!) some mange tout, broad beans, runner beans, and Beltony Blue peas for our dinner tonight-they tasted great-even though I say so ;-)
15 Jul, 2010
glad your enjoying the fruits of your labour richard, so nice home grown ;o))
15 Jul, 2010
Yes Sandra I picked them just about an hour before we ate them. I arranged them in a circle and took a pic-just put it on here. Have you heard of Clarke's beltony blue peas, they are a very old Irish variety and the pods are a very dark purply-blue ;-)
15 Jul, 2010
will have a look richard, no not heard of them,
15 Jul, 2010
15 Jul, 2010
o dear bad rain here and storm,s it knoked and old tree down that was surporting a clem and a rose. had to dig the clem out and replant it nxt to a tree, hope it survies.
15 Jul, 2010
We have had some wind here Cristina and it blew a lot of my chilli plants over that were in pots in the garden-they are OK though no damage. Hope your rose survived OK ;-)
15 Jul, 2010
rose ok ,not sure bt montana. have replanted it so will c was a right job to do.
19 Jul, 2010
These will self seed if planted in a flowerbed but the seeds will remain on the top of the soil. They are in a big round case so easy to spot. I had caterpillars all over mine. They are a late ongoing flower and lovely to have.
31 Jul, 2010
Thanks for the info Lindak I will have a look for them and also collect a few for planting elsewhere next year :-)
31 Jul, 2010
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This photo is of "nasturtium" in Richardpeeej's garden
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taken mine up richard, covered with black fly, awfull, now they are all over my wheelie bin hahha
11 Jul, 2010