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Peacock lily

Peacock lily

Only stayed opened for a day then closed up again. Not sure because of the rain or what! Hope thats the reason and opens up again once the sun comes back! If not then there coming up! lol

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So gorgeous!

13 Jul, 2010


Oooooo! Thats nice Steve :o)))))

13 Jul, 2010


just stunning

14 Jul, 2010


it is for a day then its closing back up and dying off! Thats not right is it??

14 Jul, 2010


they don't last long but would'nt think they would die off that quicky

14 Jul, 2010


Nor did I. I've had 2 now that have opened for 1 day then closed up and died!! Not sure if its lack of sun last couple of days!!

14 Jul, 2010


could be, someone will tell you on here I am sure

14 Jul, 2010


Maybe. Think i'll post a question later on it!!

14 Jul, 2010


its known as peacock orchid or sword lily steve, even though not an orchid is member of gladiolus family, likes full sun , south facing wall or patio to flower or indoors, but doesnt like bad weather, so maybe its the bad weather doing it no good,

15 Jul, 2010


Ah thanks for that Sandra. Got another bud just about to open up aswell. Think i'll dig these up and place out the front next year as gets full sun all day out there!!

15 Jul, 2010


yes might be better steve if full sun

15 Jul, 2010


I've got 20+ of these and only 1 stem has flowered so far with the others not even showing a bud yet. Do you think I should lift these out carefully and place out the front now or should I wait till they've all flowered and finished?

15 Jul, 2010


im not sure steve, if you lift them they may not recover,, bt you could try one taking enough soil around as not to disturb and see how it goes, if ok then move others,

15 Jul, 2010


Should I move the 1 thats about to open or one that hasn't shown a bud yet?

15 Jul, 2010


one thats not shown a bud, i read some wont flower if not in full sun,

15 Jul, 2010


Hmmmm, it does get sun but not all day!!

15 Jul, 2010


choose sunniest posision steve, hotest place of the day i guess to encourage flowering

15 Jul, 2010


Its the closest 1 to the house (underneath the hanging basket by shed) that has flowered. Can feel the bud halfway up the stems on the others!!

15 Jul, 2010


well its up to you, if there are flowers coming they may be ok, we just need sunshine to come back,

15 Jul, 2010


Don't we all. lol

15 Jul, 2010


lol, of now going to have a bath then watch last part of drama silence, have you been watching it steve, very good

15 Jul, 2010


No, don't watch much telly to be honest. Count on 1 hand how many things I watch on the telly! Gina is the telly addict! lol
Enjoy your evening

15 Jul, 2010


i dont watch much but like a good drama lol, catch you soon, hope you get a game of golf steve haha, nite

15 Jul, 2010

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