I have one out of twelve begonias in flower !!
By Grandmage

18 Jul, 2010
Purchased twelve begonia and this is the only one to flower, rubbish purchase :0(
Comments on this photo
I wrote to Gardens direct, yorks, and they said they only refund if reported within seven days !! I purchased them as tubers (or whatever they are called) and they needed at least three months to grow, I ask you, I wrote again and told them all this and they have ignored me, great, wont use them ever again.
20 Jul, 2010
I would take a photo and attach it to an email, they should give you the money back, you can't report it in seven days thats not on as you say they take months to start growing, thanks for letting me know, keep me informed if anything happens.
21 Jul, 2010
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one out of twelve is disgusting, what a disapointment, this is a beautiful colour. mine have all done really well this year again,
18 Jul, 2010