Whiskey Barrel in full bloom
By Steve_dj

20 Jul, 2010
Fathers day present Fuchsia tree taking centre stage (as it should) and surrounding flowers coming into bloom a treat! Might have to move the bizzy lizzy from around the back as it's a stunning colour!!
Comments on this photo
I'm more impressed than Mia! lol
Gonna def move that bizzy as there's loads of new buds coming through and want to see it. Thought it might have expanded a bit more hence why I put it round the back!
Schoolboy error, well it is my 1st year! lol
21 Jul, 2010
I think the purple and pink I mean, are Fuschias? In front, on bottom, slightly to the right. If you catch my drift. Lol. They look like ballerinas Lol :o))
21 Jul, 2010
lol, there either called Bland new stripe or Dark eyes. There both in there but can't remember what one is which
21 Jul, 2010
I think maybe, dark eyes. I think Bland, maybe...... paler? heh, judging by name? I could be wrong mind. Basically, I haven't got a clue. Lol hahaha, :o))
24 Jul, 2010
pmsl. So your guessing? lol
24 Jul, 2010
You could say that. Lol. :o)))
24 Jul, 2010
Bless! lol
25 Jul, 2010
Well I just thought Bland means pale. Lol. :o)))
25 Jul, 2010
lol, not sure!!
25 Jul, 2010
Can I ask you, being still fairly new at this laptop thing. What happens if you press 'seen' and 'stop watching' at the end of the comments line? Thanks :o)))
25 Jul, 2010
If you click seen then it removes the link from your notifications section until someone else comments on that pic. If you click stop following then you won't receive any more notifications when someone comments on that pic.
25 Jul, 2010
Oh thanx. I pressed seen accidently, when I went to comment on something. I wondered where it went.Lol. hahaha :o)))
25 Jul, 2010
I've done that before. lol
25 Jul, 2010
I've been let loose on laptop. Still not sure what i'm doing. Actually uploaded pics myself last night, by fluke I think, cos I don't really know how I managed it. Lol. Daughter's laptop, but she was working nights last night. hubby was in charge of granddaughter, so went to bed early, and i was left with laptop to myself. haha. daughter gave me 'netbook' 'CnMbook'? but it's small and I keep losing connection or whatever. Basically, it's a pain in the butt. lol.:o)))
25 Jul, 2010
You'll get the hang of it in the end. Must've done something right if the pics uploaded ok! lol
25 Jul, 2010
looks lovely steve ;o))
25 Jul, 2010
Thx Sandra
25 Jul, 2010
Absolutely stunning Steve!! :o))
5 Aug, 2010
Thx Lin. Got rid of loads of dead heads from it this morning. Nearly filled a 5L pot there was that many. Rearranging a few bits in there today so should look even better.
7 Aug, 2010
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Bet Mia's chuffed, her pressie is so beautiful. Like the purple and pink below too. Pretty display. :o))
20 Jul, 2010