By Steve_dj

20 Jul, 2010
Filled out a treat and has 2 new stems coming off it! Love it
Comments on this photo
Thanks sixpence
20 Jul, 2010
Your welcome will you be collecting the seed, I do as incase a winter kills them
20 Jul, 2010
How do I do that? This is my 1st year as a gardener so please excuse me for being a little thick! lol
20 Jul, 2010
That s ok, Steve no appology needed , when the flowers die off, they will start to go to seed, where the flower once was, I let it go to seed so far up the stem to get enough seed then cut so it does nt take all the strenth out of it for next year, I ve done this every year mine has always come back.
If you like delphiniums a lot, I have some seed if you would like some of a different one , if you want to take a look , go to my garden pictures under delphinium and you will see it , let me know if you want some.
20 Jul, 2010
Stunning, vibrant colour. Love it. :o)))
20 Jul, 2010
Ah thanks for that info & thank you for the offer of some seeds. I only like this colour in the delphs so will pass but thank you again!!
If I don't collect the seeds and just leave it, will it come back next year as good? Also, would I need to cut the stem down to floor level after flowering has finished?
Sorry for more questions
21 Jul, 2010
Yes it will come back just as good mine always has, yes you cut right back to floor level
21 Jul, 2010
Lovely jubbly!!
21 Jul, 2010
21 Jul, 2010
Loved the colour of these so much, went and bought same colour nail varnish. Lol :o)))
24 Jul, 2010
Funky girly!! lol
24 Jul, 2010
wow thats a lovely one steve, great
25 Jul, 2010
All the petals are starting to fall off now and looking a bit tatty. Bit like when the lupin loses its petals
25 Jul, 2010
yes hate that, my lupins are getting a second show again this year, only baby flowers though but still nice
25 Jul, 2010
My B&Q started to flower last week but only a skinny stem. Finished now.
The big lupin i had from local nursery has finished, well I cut it back to the floor so if it hadn't finshed then it cert has now! lol
25 Jul, 2010
lol steve you should just cut back dead flowers and leaves as usually get a second flush.
26 Jul, 2010
It wasn't looking great as snails/slugs had half eaten the stems and leaves. Dont ya just love 'em!! NOT
26 Jul, 2010
defernatly a NOT steve ;o(
place half coke bottles over when they strt to come through next year steve, thats what i did this year and stopped the blighters eating them
26 Jul, 2010
Thats a good idea. They'll be plenty of slug pellets down next year and might even have a barrel of beer down there for them aswell! lol
26 Jul, 2010
lol at least they will die happy on the beer steve haha
26 Jul, 2010
Beer and pellets...nice combination!! lol
26 Jul, 2010
and thats you,,, what about the slugs and snails lol
26 Jul, 2010
lmao....don't do either of them. I'm a good boy! ;-))
26 Jul, 2010
lol that good steve, im not a drinker, i use to when in my early days but i can enjoy life without, just dont enjoy it,, rather stay together lol, maybe one a xmas
26 Jul, 2010
If I have a drink then it'll only be a shandy really. My stomach can't handle beer or lager straight & also hate the feeling of room spinning and feeling sick or being sick! Then takes you 2-3 days to recover. Don't get any of that on shandy unless you have half a gallon! lol
26 Jul, 2010
i have history of bad tum etc, bowel cancer at 40 so im very carefull on what i eat and drink , not worth it, i do smoke though which i hate myself for lol, given up so many times iv lost count ;o(
26 Jul, 2010
Sorry to hear that hun. I thought I might of had stomach cancer but got the all clear. Yes I'm a smoker myself and would like to give up but enjoy it too much still. Thats never a good thing if you want to give up. Tried a hypno but didn't work beacuse of this reason!! 1 day I hope I'll give it up before its too late!!
26 Jul, 2010
i enjoy it to and so does baz so its hard, better if you both want to, one of us always starts again, but one bad thing out of 3 isnt bad steve, drink and healthy eating, so it must help not to do all of them ;o))
26 Jul, 2010
Defently. Smoking probably the worst out of them all. Mind you, being an alcoholic isn't great.
26 Jul, 2010
thats it exactly steve, anything is bad if over indulge,, so many things are bad these days, so enjoy life while we are here thats what i think anyway,
on that note im off to spend a bit of time with baz and son joe, a game of cards i thinks lol, baz always wins though haha, nite steve ;o)
26 Jul, 2010
I'm trying to get off here aswell. Had nearly 90 comments today which is a record for me! lol
I love cards. Used to play with my Nan & Grandad all the time and when I worked on the railway. Gina doesn't really like them which is a shame!!
Enjoy your evening with the family! night nightx
26 Jul, 2010
you will have to think of something you both like steve, nice to do family things isnt it,,, nite x
26 Jul, 2010
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Beautiful one there.
20 Jul, 2010