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Close up of Clematis Comtesse de Bouchaud

Close up of Clematis Comtesse de Bouchaud

Camera doesn't do it justice again. Bargain clematis

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Pretty colour. :o)))

20 Jul, 2010


Thx Linda, had a 3rd bud open up today and possibly another opening tomorrow. Think I better get it up on a trellis and fast! lol

21 Jul, 2010


My established one has plenty of buds, but taking forever to open. :o))

21 Jul, 2010


Are the stems getting plenty of sun?

21 Jul, 2010


Yes. It's growing on a trellis, and I have sun nearly all day out the back garden. Saying that it's been persistently raining the last few days. :o)))

24 Jul, 2010


Rain will do it good as don't think you can flood a clematis but could be wrong. I'm sure they'll flower in the next week.

24 Jul, 2010


Probably flower when everyone elses have died back. lol :o))) Oh, by the way, you'd probably love it, cos it's the most deepest purple I've seen. :o))

24 Jul, 2010


Cool....any pics of this purple?

25 Jul, 2010


Silly :o)) told you it hasn't flowered yet. Will do pics when it does tho. :o)))

25 Jul, 2010


Well I thought that but then you said its a very deep purple so wondered if you'd had one that had flowered!!

25 Jul, 2010


Oh sorry,. No it hasn't flowered yet but it's about 5/6yr old. So thats how I know what colour it is Lol. :o)))

25 Jul, 2010


Ahhh. Look forward to seeing that as love deep purple. Whats clematis is it?
Let me know when you've added a pic please!

25 Jul, 2010

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