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Fuchsia Tom Thumb


By Drc726

Fuchsia Tom Thumb (Fuschia)

Comments on this photo



22 Jul, 2010


Thanks Michaella

22 Jul, 2010


Thats a nice one

22 Jul, 2010


thats very nice

22 Jul, 2010



22 Jul, 2010


Thats lovely.

22 Jul, 2010


lovely denise

22 Jul, 2010


Beautiful, looks quite impressive.

22 Jul, 2010


Thanks - I had a Fuchsia 'Dark Eyes' in this urn for some years but last winter killed it. This one is going in the ground before the winter to protect it more.

22 Jul, 2010


I have bought 3 Hardy Fuchsia "Beckie Lou" for the first time this year, I have them in Tall pots & one of them I am training as a standard, but Iam undecided, (as they are young) if they should be over wintered in a greenhouse.

22 Jul, 2010


I would to be on the safe side as the roots are susceptible to frost so in the ground or a greenhouse seems the better options than pots? Or you could bubble wrap when frosts expected

22 Jul, 2010


Thanks Drc726 I think I will greenhouse them and then next year plant 2 in the ground.

23 Jul, 2010



23 Jul, 2010


Lovely plant full of bloom.

28 Jul, 2010


Thanks Lindak - it was so dense I cut the centre out in May to let a bit of light in and still it is loaded with flowers

28 Jul, 2010

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This photo is of species Fuschia.

This photo is of "Fuschia Tom Thumb" in Drc726's garden

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