The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Echinacea Pallida


By Drc726

Echinacea Pallida (Echinacea Pallida)

One tatty flower which has taken ages to get petals. I moved it last year to a sunnier spot but still not up to much! Any tips?

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It's either slugs and snails attacking it or perhaps the soil is wrong for it. Are you feeding it? If not give it some plant food and see if that helps.

28 Jul, 2010


It at least 18" high -its not being eaten this is how its slowly emerging. Its now got all its petals but still only the one flower. I feed it every 2 weeks and its in full sun. So perhaps its the soil Lindak its in clay?

28 Jul, 2010


Just looked it up in the www and it says that they like light loamy well drained soil. Perhaps some compost hoed in around the base may help

29 Jul, 2010


In think thats it Lindak, I will move it again in the autumn to a bed that is well drained and no clay. Thanks

29 Jul, 2010

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