Almost ripe!
By Lauram

23 Jul, 2010
My peach tree is loaded with fruit this year....the cold weather helped. I had to thin quite a few of them. I should have ripe peaches within a few days.
Comments on this photo
Lucky you .bet they tast good straight off the tree
23 Jul, 2010
My peach trees have only a few fruits :(
Your tree has healthy leaves. Nice!
Mines have disease or something and all curled up..
23 Jul, 2010
They have some spots and some sort of bug has gotten to a few of them, since I don't spray. This tree finally began producing fruit two summers ago and it's delicious. In the summer I have a routine - I get home from work, grab a few peaches straight off the tree, plop myself down on the front porch and go through my mail (OK, let's be honest here, my bills) & enjoy.
23 Jul, 2010
Ooohhhh Lauram! I'm so envious!!
What a treat!!
23 Jul, 2010
That softens a look through the bills. Great looking peaches. :-)
23 Jul, 2010
Your peaches look lovely, mine are still small and I too have peach curl leaf - I promise this year we will get it sorted before its too late. But on the pluss side we do have loads of plums and we has a good crop of cherries from our dwarf trees! (only problem is that the kids ate all the cherries and now they have their eyes on the plums - so I do not really get a look in)
24 Jul, 2010
I had no plums this year, after a couple of good seasons. So far these peaches don't seem to be nearly as sweet as those of previous years, but sometimes the first ripeners aren't. Anyway, they still taste good, and they're free. That's a plus!
24 Jul, 2010
bon apetit, lol.
23 Jul, 2010