By Richardpeeej

27 Jul, 2010
Garlic from cloves planted from a bulb of garlic I bought in a supermarket. They smelled very strong when I dug them up !
Comments on this photo
bet they taste good to richard, nice to see you ;o)
27 Jul, 2010
Thanks Cinderella;-)
Thank you Sandra I have been away for a weeks holiday ;-)
27 Jul, 2010
hope you enjoyed your hols richard ;o)) any pics to share
27 Jul, 2010
Yes Sandra I wrote a blog.... week in Northumberland ;-)
27 Jul, 2010
ok ;o))
27 Jul, 2010
very nice dug mine up 2. not as gud as urs but ok .def get the nxt lot in on the proper day lol xx ps hows the leg
1 Aug, 2010
I think the photo of mine looks better than they were-they weren't all that big really. Thanks for asking my leg is getting better now I can move around quite well but still using just one crutch for a little while longer ;-) x
1 Aug, 2010
o thats great richard, must b very frusrating wen u carnt garden much. we are out there at the mo tideing up for our visit from heron nxt sun. so much to do .his garden was gawgusss. but as we have ganged a lot in ours this year it needs to establish more. but have bare patches now ,so feel a trip comeing on yet again to the g.c. lol wud like sum more friut trees were the muck heap was, make a nice mini orchard. any way must go just doing coffee and breakfast, and then out again byeeee x
1 Aug, 2010
I can get around in the garden OK Cristina but it is a bit awkward when I want to carry anything. It is OK when I just have the one crutch as I have a spare hand then otherwise if I have the two crutches I have to have a bag on my
I am sure Heron is looking forward to seeing your garden next week.
Enjoy your breakfast and coffee -it has just started to rain here now;-) x
1 Aug, 2010
o dear, well it will get better just takes time, any way am bak on again making tea now cut a cabage from the garden now. pork chops and the garlic, may as well use it up lol. smells lovely . hope the garden lives up to his xpectations haha. his was gawjuss. bin a nice day here up 2 now got loads dun. oh putting a new roof on hens house clear corrigated plasetic. looks so much better. got sum more plants to day as well happy days. chat soon lol xxbye.
1 Aug, 2010
I am growing some cabbages in the GH in pots Cristina, I just took a pic of them and will put them on here. I started them off inside then planted them out, then a couple of days later they were getting eaten so I dug them back up and put them in larger pots and put them back in the GH. Your dinner sounds nice I will be over for some;-) The hens will be nice and cosy now with their new roof;-) x
1 Aug, 2010
wellcome any time richard lol there was a horid blue cover over the hens it buged me. much nicer now and u can c tro it . the rose can grow over it now . dinna was lovely . garlic devine .i put my cabages in a raised bed wth a big cage over and loads of netting lol . u no if u put a x in the stump new leaves will grow again.
1 Aug, 2010
Did you find that your garlic was a lot stronger than the shop bought ones Cristina. I could smell the garlic in our garage as soon as I opened the door (that's where we keep it), I didn't know new leaves would grow from the stump again -thanks sfor that useful tip :-)
1 Aug, 2010
a bit strong but that may b cos its fresher, yes u will get new leaves ,but it wont heart again. they will b like spring greens, still very nice ,and u get double 4 ur mony lol
1 Aug, 2010
I will try and remember that Cristina -thanks my friend :-)
1 Aug, 2010
ur wellcome ;0)))))
1 Aug, 2010
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Well done Richard, thats great
27 Jul, 2010