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nest box 4 mice

nest box 4 mice

made small box screwed it2 side of raised bed & drilled small hole from the out side..hole on next pic...

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Why do you want to encourage mice to live in your raised bed???????

31 Jul, 2010


iv got load's around's in the country side..i hate cat's and i see them with full mouth of wood mouse and yellow harm 2 my's a the big'st killer of wild life..just after human's

31 Jul, 2010


Many Thanks for your explanation. :-)

1 Aug, 2010


Brad, you are absolutely right - in fact, in some areas of the US, the domestic & feral cat populations have reduced the number of rodents to such an extent that migrating raptors (all federally protected) have nothing to eat. I don't mind the mice, either - they are food for snakes (got loads of those around) and hawks (red-shouldered hawks nest in my pines every year).

2 Aug, 2010

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