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Begonia Basket

Begonia Basket

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Gorgeous blooms you have there

3 Aug, 2010


Yes, colours clash a bit, but didnt know what colours they were

3 Aug, 2010


You might think they clash but I don't as you have the foilage parting them.

4 Aug, 2010


OK Sixpence, perhaps your right then. thanks

4 Aug, 2010


The chinese always class their colours, my aunty was chinese.

4 Aug, 2010


very nice

5 Aug, 2010


Thanks Yorkshire. Hope you are well !

5 Aug, 2010


not to bad thanks Cinders, are you o.k.

5 Aug, 2010


Fine thanks, a few twinges in hips today, but mustn't grumble

5 Aug, 2010


no the feeling, hardly been able to walk Tues Wed with my leg, think Sciatica if thats how you spell it!!, today my knee, Lol

5 Aug, 2010


How strange, I wondered if that was my problem as it seemed to come on suddenly, and pain down back of left leg when I put weight on it. I dont like getting old, do you.

5 Aug, 2010


mine came on suddenly too, I also have it in my left shoulder and it goes down my arm and into my hand, its so painfull, like my husband says when we get up in a morning, "Now what are we going to have wrong today,"

5 Aug, 2010


Oh dear, we are a couple of old crocks then Yorkshire. Lucky you to still have your husband to moan to.

5 Aug, 2010


old crock and I am 64, sorry I mentioned my husband.

5 Aug, 2010


Don't worry about that. I can give you a few more years too. Hopefully its just a blip !

5 Aug, 2010


I hope so, Lol

5 Aug, 2010

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