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Plumeria 'Celadine' - Celadine Plumeria

Plumeria 'Celadine' - Celadine Plumeria (Plumeria 'Celadine' - Celadine Plumeria)

A row of Plumeria shrubs used as an informal hedge. It's located about 3 block from my house. Photo taken August 4, 2010.

Comments on this photo


How wonderful that would be.......

5 Aug, 2010



I almost take them granted here. I pass by many of these posted Plumeria trees and many more when I drive to the store or anywhere else.

5 Aug, 2010


it must be a stunning hedge when in full bloom

6 Aug, 2010



It is in full bloom now. LOL! Some Plumeria trees are very full of flowers and other are not so full with our unusually cool weather. Plumeria trees thrive in very high heat.

7 Aug, 2010


Lovely Pic Delonix :o))

7 Aug, 2010


Pip c:

Thanks! : > )

7 Aug, 2010


Amazing they look so well on so little water.

2 Sep, 2016


Yes, they do. There's one a lot taller and larger all the way to the left of this photo. It's the previous pic.

3 Sep, 2016

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Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Plumeria 'Celadine' - Celadine Plumeria.

See who else has plants in genus Plumeria.

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