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Plumeria 'Celadine' - Celadine Plumeria

Plumeria 'Celadine' - Celadine Plumeria (Plumeria 'Celadine' - Celadine Plumeria)

Many times Plumeria trees are placed where they grow into the driveway, I'm not sure why. This tree is located 3 blocks from my house. Photo taken August 4, 2010.

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I think a lot of people just put trees where they will look good rather than think about 5-10years time whemn its so big they can't get down the drive..

5 Aug, 2010



Very true. Luckily Plumeria trees are very easy to trim...and most of the time the cuttinga are given to someone to start new plants.

5 Aug, 2010


Can Plumeria grow here indoors or do they get too big ?

5 Aug, 2010


Yes, they can easily be grown outdoors in Summer and brought indoors from Fall - early Spring (when they are dormant).

Have you seen Milky's Plumeria plants? She has a few that are growing very well there in the U.K.

5 Aug, 2010


Im here boys......Mushy they can grow here in the greenhouse provided you can keep them above 15 degrees in winter and as much sun as possible during growing season....My oldest, now 4 grown from seed has yet to produce a flower, and about 5 feet high in its pot and is very healthy....I am forever hopeful that one day its going to look like Andy's photo....This one is a beauty Andy...So many blooms.....

5 Aug, 2010



Thanks for the information! : > )

This is typical for many varieties of Plumeria. Sometimes they're so full of flowers you can hardly see the foliage.

5 Aug, 2010

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This photo is of species Plumeria 'Celadine' - Celadine Plumeria.

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