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By Cristina

6 Aug, 2010
Comments on this photo
y carnt you ,lol its ur garden 2. mike dosent like roses or hydrangers ,but we have em x
7 Aug, 2010
They bring unhappy memories for him, so I'm willing to go without. We tend to compromise, and as he does most of the hard work I don't disagree too
8 Aug, 2010
Daisy Daisy give me your answer do, I'm half crazy over the love of you
You don't need a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage
But you look sweet upon the seat
Of a bycycle made for two..........You are p[robably too young to remember this,
27 Aug, 2010
arhh silver ,thats love hun x. and lindak , every one is qouteing songs to me at the mo lol. and i do remember it haha tho may b i shud not addmit it . ;0)))))
am a nana u know lol x
27 Aug, 2010
:0)) WIsh I had Granchildren but nothing in sight yet and he's 34......and still single!!!
29 Aug, 2010
Well.........there's hope for my boy then!!!!!!...........he's only 27!!
29 Aug, 2010
They all have an exciting adventure before them don't they. I often wonder what the world will be like by the time they get to my age.....PENSIONABLE!!! LOL.
31 Aug, 2010
lol ;0))))
31 Aug, 2010
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These are very pretty. I like daisys, but OH doesn't ........ so we can't have them in the garden, such a pity. lol
7 Aug, 2010