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Thunbergia grandiflora - Bengal Clock Vine

Thunbergia grandiflora - Bengal Clock Vine (Thunbergia grandiflora - Bengal Clock Vine)

Bengal Clock Vine is very common and you can watch it it grows so extremely fast. It can cover a gigantic area within a year and in a couple of years it can take over your whole house and yard (if not pruned). Photo taken on August 3, 2010 at Quail Botanical Gardens.

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Very striking!

19 Aug, 2010



Thanks! : > )

19 Aug, 2010


Lovely.I also have something like this but its not flowering now.Does it gives off a pungent somewhat garlic like smell?

20 Aug, 2010



Bengal Clock Vine has no fragrance. I think you may have Garlic vine - Cydista aequinoctialis. It looks pretty similar. Garlic vine is very widely grown here in California also.

21 Aug, 2010


May be Delonix.I will certainly post some pictures when it will bloom.

21 Aug, 2010


It's beautiful. Sounds like my kind of vine. I have very poor soil, and I prefer to grow things that don't need to be coddled.I'd much rather do some occasional pruning and dividing than have to constantly pet my plants.

21 Aug, 2010


Gorgeous! What do you think are the chances of growing it as an annual, like T. alata, Delonix?

21 Aug, 2010



Thunbergia are very easy to grow but they need water for good growth.

23 Aug, 2010



All the Thunbergia species are used as annuals because of their fast growth.

23 Aug, 2010


I'll have to see where I can find some seeds for next spring!

24 Aug, 2010



It should be commonly available on the internet. This vine is not rare. Thunbergia very commonly seeds everywhere...I'm having this problem with my Thunbergia 'Blushing Susan''s popping up every where in my garden, even in the sidewalk cracks. : > )

24 Aug, 2010

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